Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Otak Kiri Vs Otak Kanan
Otak merupakan organ bagi pusat kawalan utama bagi badan. Ia menerima maklumat melalui deria dari dalam dan luar tubuh. Ia menganalisa maklumat ini dan kemudiannya menghantar perutusan kepada badan yang mengawal fungsi dan tindakannya. Otak meningati pengalaman lepas, dan merupakan punca fikiran, mood, dan emosi.
Dalam haiwan, otak (εν-κέφαλος, bahasa Greek bagi "dalam tengkorak"), merupakan pusat kawalan bagi sistem saraf tunjang, bertanggungjawab bagi kelakuan. Otak terletak di kepala, dilindungi oleh tengkorak dan hampir dengan perkakasan deria bagi penglihatan, pendengaran, keseimbangan, rasa dan bau. Sementara kesemua vertebra mempunyai otak, kebanyakan invertebra samaada mempunyai otak pusat atau himpunan ganglia terasing. Sesetengah haiwan seperti cnidarian dan echinoderm tidak memiliki otak pusat, sebaliknya mempunyai sistem saraf berasingan, sementara haiwan seperti sponge ketiadaan otak dan sistem saraf sama sekali. Otak mampu menjadi amat rumit. Sebagai contoh, otak manusia mengandungi sekitar 23 bilion neuron, setiap satunya bersambung dengan hampir 10,000 neuron yang lain.
Otak kiri banyak dikaitkan dengan fungsi akademik yang terdiri dari kemampunan bercakap, kemampuan berbahasa, membaca tulisan, logik, angka, analisis, dan lain-lainnya. Biasanya ia diidentitikan dengan kecerdasan analitik atau intelek. Maksudnya otak kiri kita ini banyak berkait dengan kemampuan matematik, analisis dan kemampuan berfikir secara sistematik. Cara kerja otak ini sangat rapi, dan terstruktur/tersusun. Biasanya otak kiri ini sangat bermanfaat digunakan untuk memahami hal-hal yang kompleks dan perlu pemikiran yang mengkhusus. Individu yang biasanya lebih menggunakan otak kiri adalah seorang penganalisis, pengkaji, Ahli matematik atau saintis.
Sementara Otak kanan pula adalah tempat untuk perkembangan hal-hal yang bersifat artistik, kreativiti, perasaan, emosi, gaya bahasa, irama musik, imaginasi, fantasi, warna, pengenalan diri dan orang lain, hubungan sosial dan pengembangan keperibadian. Jika individu yang banyak yang mengatakan otak kiri dilabel sebagai pengendali IQ (Intelligence Quotient), otak kanan pula memegang peranan penting bagi perkembangan EQ (Emotional Ouotient). Fungsi dari otak kanan ini adalah untuk mengurus pola berpikir kreatif manusia, contohnya adalah kemampuan komunikasi (lingusitik). Cara kerja otak kanan ini biasanya tidak terstruktur, dan cenderung tidak memikirkan hal-hal yang terlalu khusus iaitu bertentangan dengan otak kiri. Contoh orang yang mengunakan otak kanan dibandingkan otak kirinya adalah seorang seniman, pelukis dan sebagainya.
- Berfikir dan mentafsir secara turutan satu persatu.
- Menganilisis secara terperinci.
- Berfikir secara linear (pengelolaan).
- Menguasai matematik.
- Menggunakan logik.
- Memahami bahasa.
- Memahami lisan.
- Peka kepada fakta.
- Berfikir menggunakan perkataan.
- Mengingat lirik lagu.
- Perlukan rasional.
- Mencari ilham (intuisi).
- Berfikir secara kreatif.
- Berkaitan seni.
- Menggunakan imaginasi.
- Bersifat subjektif.
- Retma (rentak/intonasi).
- Memahami tanpa lisan.
- Perasaan (emosi).
- Berfikir menggunakan gambaran.
- Menghayati irama lagu.
- Ada visi.
Manusia adalah sebaik-baiknya ciptaan Allah s.w.t, sebab itu lah manusia bukan sahaja diberi otak, tetapi juga akal dan fikiran, bagi membolehkan manusia memanafaatkan anugerah OTAK yg tidak terhingganya. Biarpun otak KIRI atau KANAN, pasti kedua2nya penting kerna, Allah s.w.t tak kan cipta kedua2nya sekiranya ianya tiada kepentingan, maka pastikan kita menggunakan kedua2 belah otak kita dengan sebaik mungkin dan kita harus juga menjaganya dengan sempurna mungkin. Walllahua'lam.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Tak tertahan rasa sedih melihat wajah Darwisy. Sayu je. Dah msk hari ketiga admitted kat Hospital Selayang. Disyaki "meningitis" atau infection pada selaput otak. Setelah diserang epilepsy yg panjang. Aku panjatkan kesyukuran pada Yang Maha Esa kerna sempat bwk Darwisy ke Hospital dgn ambulance. Aku berdoa pada Allah s.w.t semoga Darwisy cepat sembuh dan dijauhi penyakit. Amin Ya Rabbal A'laminnnn.
Semlm Darwisy telah dinasihatkan Dr utk mengambil air tulang belakang bg menyenangkan proses perubatan & penyembuhan.
Dan dah 3 hari Darwisy ambik antibiotik yg dijangka habis sekurang2nya 14 hari. Maknanya lama jugak darwisy kena stay kat spital. Tapi x pe asalkan anak mama sihat sejahtera
Semlm Darwisy telah dinasihatkan Dr utk mengambil air tulang belakang bg menyenangkan proses perubatan & penyembuhan.
Dan dah 3 hari Darwisy ambik antibiotik yg dijangka habis sekurang2nya 14 hari. Maknanya lama jugak darwisy kena stay kat spital. Tapi x pe asalkan anak mama sihat sejahtera
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Advantages of Tea-Drinking
i am thinking of consuming tea for my daily consumption, however, i don't know which tea is good for my heath. thus i tried to google some information on certain famous tea that people drink for health conscious
here are some information about 3 types of tea that i am interested with to try for my consumption... i hope this could be a great information that can be utilised by other for their consumption too and towards healthy leaving ways... :))
Rose tea or rose hip tea is known for its many medicinal properties. It is derived from the fruit of the wild rose hip plant. It is a popular herbal health tea which has a slight tart flavor but is refreshing and delicious to drink. The fruit confers many of the health benefits because it contains many essential vitamins like C, D, K and E, as well as organic acids, like citric and malic acids and pectin. HolisticOnline.com and RoseMagazine.com cite the many health benefits of rose tea, which include building a strong immune system, strengthening the digestive system and the detoxification of the urinary tracts and kidneys.
Chinese Tea
Tea was considered an elixir in ancient China. The legendary founder of herbology, Shen Nong, contributed to the development of Chinese medicine with his extensive knowledge of herbs; he tasted hundreds of herbs, including poisonous ones in order to distinguish those which had medicinal value from those which did not. He drank tea to counteract the effects of eating poisonous herbs.
According to TCM understanding, tea has both sweet and bitter flavors and possesses cooling properties. Tea helps to refresh the mind, enhance alertness and boost concentration. Tea can also promote body fluid production, quench thirst, clear heat and phlegm, promotes digestion and urination. Traditionally, it is used as:
Modern studies have found that tea contains more than 300 chemical substances, such as catechin, caffeine, flavonol, butyric acid, vitamins, minerals, pectin, saccharides and saponin. These ingredients work on the central nervous and cardiovascular system by acting as antioxidants, muscular relaxants and diuretics; they promote gastric secretions as well as inhibit bacterial growth. These pharmacological effects have the following health benefits:
Green tea is like regular black tea and it comes from leaves of the Camellia Sinesis plant. Green tea leaves are steamed, or baked, shortly after plucking, where black tea is not. Because green tea is not fermented, the finished leaves are very similar to the natural leaves from a tea bush.
Green Tea has been proven over and over that it has many health benefits for us. Green Tea has been said to reduce tumors and stop the growth of new cancer cells. It has an amazing anti aging benefit that some say have made them look ten years younger. The antioxidants in tea are compared to over 21 fruits and vegetables. More so in the Green Tea than regular. It has been shown to help in heart attacks and other health related issues. One study has shown to be helping with cataracts. One Green Tea fact is that the polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants in the green tea, favors bacteria that are good for the system while attacking the bad.
Here is some of the most important Green tea Facts:
• Cut stroke by up to 80%
• Recommended by Cancer Society as a “High Priority for Cancer Prevention”
• Protects the prostate from cancer
• Proven to help with weight loss
• One of the strongest anti-oxidants available
• Helps digestion and reduces bloating
• Normalizes healthy bacteria in the intestines
• Proven to help prevent heart disease
• Helps stop dental decay and gum disease
• Helps with bad breath
here are some information about 3 types of tea that i am interested with to try for my consumption... i hope this could be a great information that can be utilised by other for their consumption too and towards healthy leaving ways... :))
Rose Tea
Rose tea or rose hip tea is known for its many medicinal properties. It is derived from the fruit of the wild rose hip plant. It is a popular herbal health tea which has a slight tart flavor but is refreshing and delicious to drink. The fruit confers many of the health benefits because it contains many essential vitamins like C, D, K and E, as well as organic acids, like citric and malic acids and pectin. HolisticOnline.com and RoseMagazine.com cite the many health benefits of rose tea, which include building a strong immune system, strengthening the digestive system and the detoxification of the urinary tracts and kidneys.
Chinese Tea
Tea was considered an elixir in ancient China. The legendary founder of herbology, Shen Nong, contributed to the development of Chinese medicine with his extensive knowledge of herbs; he tasted hundreds of herbs, including poisonous ones in order to distinguish those which had medicinal value from those which did not. He drank tea to counteract the effects of eating poisonous herbs.
According to TCM understanding, tea has both sweet and bitter flavors and possesses cooling properties. Tea helps to refresh the mind, enhance alertness and boost concentration. Tea can also promote body fluid production, quench thirst, clear heat and phlegm, promotes digestion and urination. Traditionally, it is used as:
![]() | A beverage to relieve indigestion and smooth bowel movements. It is especially good when combined with Tetradium ruticarpum (wu zhu yu), ginger or green onion. It is also used to relieve headaches, dizziness, heat stroke and sleepiness. |
![]() | An antidote to clear toxic heat evils by promoting bowel movements and urination. |
![]() | When tea is processed with vinegar, it can relieve diarrhea. Decoction of fried tea can treat dysentery. |
![]() | A concentrated decoction of tea is used to expel phlegm due to wind evil and heat invasion. |
![]() |
Pu-erh |
Modern studies have found that tea contains more than 300 chemical substances, such as catechin, caffeine, flavonol, butyric acid, vitamins, minerals, pectin, saccharides and saponin. These ingredients work on the central nervous and cardiovascular system by acting as antioxidants, muscular relaxants and diuretics; they promote gastric secretions as well as inhibit bacterial growth. These pharmacological effects have the following health benefits:
![]() | Improve the immune system, slow down aging and can help prevent cancer; | ||
![]() | Lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis; | ||
![]() | Prevent tooth decay, freshen the breathe and assist in digestion; | ||
![]() | Enhance the eliminating functions of the kidneys. |
Green Tea
Green tea is like regular black tea and it comes from leaves of the Camellia Sinesis plant. Green tea leaves are steamed, or baked, shortly after plucking, where black tea is not. Because green tea is not fermented, the finished leaves are very similar to the natural leaves from a tea bush.
Green Tea has been proven over and over that it has many health benefits for us. Green Tea has been said to reduce tumors and stop the growth of new cancer cells. It has an amazing anti aging benefit that some say have made them look ten years younger. The antioxidants in tea are compared to over 21 fruits and vegetables. More so in the Green Tea than regular. It has been shown to help in heart attacks and other health related issues. One study has shown to be helping with cataracts. One Green Tea fact is that the polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants in the green tea, favors bacteria that are good for the system while attacking the bad.
Here is some of the most important Green tea Facts:
• Cut stroke by up to 80%
• Recommended by Cancer Society as a “High Priority for Cancer Prevention”
• Protects the prostate from cancer
• Proven to help with weight loss
• One of the strongest anti-oxidants available
• Helps digestion and reduces bloating
• Normalizes healthy bacteria in the intestines
• Proven to help prevent heart disease
• Helps stop dental decay and gum disease
• Helps with bad breath
Yoh's Engagement Day
what a happy day for maghfiroh...her engagement day with purple theme...alhamdulillah dapat merapatkan silaturrohim bersama2 sanak-saudara yg jarang2 dapat bertemu...
and byk gossip2 dpt dikongsi bersama...hahaha
also the date for her wedding has been fixed on the coming December...dapat lah bergenuaq lagi bersama sanak saudara...yg lebey ramai (sbb this round x ramai sgt yg dijemput)....can't wait for the big day...happy for her...and we pray for her happiness and barakah from Allah s.w.t
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
~Work From Home~
teringat akan term "work from home"...alangkah bahagianya hidup seorang ibu bila ada job sebegini...maka dapatlah nk bahagi kan masa antara kerja2 rumah, jaga anak2 and dapat earn sedikit duit poket sendiri...tapiiiiii ada ke pekerjaan sebegini...camne nk cari? ada ke yg betul2 telus? byk offer kat internet, tapi kesahihannya x dapat di pastikan....hermmmmm...pening jugak kan
kalau benar bagai dikata...atau dipublish offer sebegini, pasti aku org yg pertama nk "work from home", sbb masa aku sangat terhad untuk spend ngn anak2 sbb nk complete kan routine seharian yg sgt padat...
Ya Allah permudahkan bagi aku untuk mendapat pekerjaan yg lebih baik demi anak2 tercinta yang telah Engkau anugerahkan dalam hidup kami...amin ya rabbal a'lamin...
kalau benar bagai dikata...atau dipublish offer sebegini, pasti aku org yg pertama nk "work from home", sbb masa aku sangat terhad untuk spend ngn anak2 sbb nk complete kan routine seharian yg sgt padat...
Ya Allah permudahkan bagi aku untuk mendapat pekerjaan yg lebih baik demi anak2 tercinta yang telah Engkau anugerahkan dalam hidup kami...amin ya rabbal a'lamin...
Saturday, February 04, 2012
"haPPy biRthDay FyZa"
this special gift is created by Ameertha...i'm so touched with her effort, to produce something special like this...love it...love u so much frenz...there's nothing can replace a great relationship like this
tho we are apart now...(one in KL, another one in AS)...but as what u always mentioned to me...the thought is count...thanks once again for being a great teacher and a super duper great friend to me...muahhhhssssss!
Special Video for MY KIDDOs
Dear all my kids...Nur Irdina Lidyya, Muhammad Hariz Darwisy, Wafa Liyana & Alya Adriana...MaMa wanna dedicate this special video of you all made myself with lots of love & thought...just to say that I LOVE YOU ALL so much...from the bottom of my heart...truly, madly, deeply...muahhhhhssss!
Friday, February 03, 2012
Posing2 wit Alya Adriana
While travelling kena alihkan kebosanan Alya dgn snap pic together gether. Br lah dia x kacau PaPa driving :)))
Birthday Wishes For Ameertha
This special video made ONLY for a friend named Ameertha...she is a lovely person and i am happy to have a great friend like her...Happy Beday Amee...loves you so much fren..enjoyssssssssssss!
A hectic routiNe beguN agaiN
bila sekolah bermula jer...MaMa dengan automatiknya akan tersangatlah busy sehinggakan nk pengsan...
as usual the rountine mula seawal subuh...kunci alarm 4 kali...5.50a.m, tutup & lelap sekejap, 6.00a.m, tutup & lelap lagi, 6.10a.m (kekdg bangun kekdg terlajak), then 6.20a.m...terus melompat dari katil, terus kejut Irdina then lari turun bwh ambil wuduk and solat....
Next kejut Darwisy sambil amik baju sekolah kids and bawak turun bawah lagi...bebel2 suruh darwisy cepat mandi sambil keluarkan baju dari mesin basuh and masukkan dlm basket...then berlari lagi naik ke atas, kejut Wafa pulak sambil bising2 "semlm mama suruh tido awal x nak, kan dah susah bangun pagi, cepat2 wafa, dh pukul brp nie, kang atuk sampai x siap lagi"....
Tolong mandikan Wafa sambil buat breakfast (kebiasaannya diaorg makan roti, tapi filling semua x sama...jenoh)...then bebel lagi suruh Wafa cepat "org nk g sekolah kena cergas, ni slow mcm mana nk belajaq ni...adoiii". Wafa selesai mandi, siapkan dia pakai baju sekolah, then pakai tudung, suruh dia amik beg sekolah...then start lagi bising..."Darwisy, Wafa...cepat cepat...amik stokin pakai, mkn roti, kang atuk sampai baru nk kalut, kesian atuk tunggu lama, kitalah kena tunggu atuk, bukan atuk tunggu kita"...sambil lari lagi ke atas amik duit belanja harian, sorang $3.00 untuk sekolah pagi dan petang (kdg2 bagi lebih sikit, duit syiling)...sambung lagi bebel "amik bekal air nie, jgn tinggal kat sekolah tau"...
Lepas dah settle, naik lagi ke atas, kemas tempat tido diaorg, then amik towel sambil kutip botol susu & air Alya, cawan Mama, then basuh dan tiarap....terus masuk mandi...dah siap naik ke atas, pakai baju & tudung, bawak Alya turun ke bawah masukkan dalam buai, then naik lagi ke atas untuk kemas tempat tido, amik beg tangan and prepare breakfast tuk bwk ke opis (roti je)...salam Mak, g keje around 7.30a.m
Mengadap "jam" sekitar Manjalara sambil make-up (sebab x sempat masa kat rumah tadi)....around 8.10a.m ke 8.30a.m (bergantung pada traffic) sampai opis...bancuh air kopi and breakfast roti tadi....9.00a.m start gheja
Around 6.40p.m to 7.00p.m sampai rumah...dan bermulalah routine bebel dan menjerit bagai "tarzan" @ "singa"....cakap lembut2 bukan nk jalan pun, terpaksa jerit2 sbb dh lebih dari 3 kali cakap x jalan...setiap hari lak tu....
Lepas je dah settlekan bab2 mandi diaorang...turn MaMa plak mandi and solat...selesai solat MaMa dah jerit lagi dari atas rumah..."KaKaK, Darwisy, Wafa...cepat solat, nk tunggu apa lagi nih"...berebut2 amik wuduk sambil gaduh (kebiasaannyer lah *pening*)....then "Darwisy, Wafa ada keje sekolah tak?"..."ada MaMa"..."hah, tunggu apa lagi, cepatlah buat, kang nk mkn pulak, nnt lewat tido, esk nk kejut kan ssh"...
Then, tengok2 kan diaorg wat homework, selesai je..."nak makan apa mlm nie?"...kebiasaannya MaMa panaskan lauk tengahari yg mak tok masak and hidangkan tuk diaorg...kekadang diaorg nk menu lain...bila menu lain je "haaaa awisy nk roti telur kecik2 lah MaMa"..."Wafa nk telur mata kerbau, roti x nak"..."kakak nk roti celup telur lah MaMa"....adoi lar...awat semua x nk sepakat mkn menu yg sama...nk x nk, buat jugak lah
Selesai je diaorg mkn, kemas meja, basuh pinggan, then MaMa plak makan (masa diaorg mkn, MaMa suap Alya mkn bubur)...habis je dinner...kutip baju2 masukkan dalam washing machine and basuh...kemas dapur sampai cuci calat...then angkat baju2 sekolah kat luaq, bawak ke atas untuk di'iron'.....rehat jap depan TV sambil layan kerenah Alya
Pukul 10.00p.m MaMa start bising lagi...."cepat2 naik tido, nnt esk lewat plak bangun"..."cepatlah, mama pun dah nk naik nie...nk iron baju"...semua naik atas, termasuk Alya nk suka mengacau sibling dia....sambil sediakan tempat tido diaorg, bukak air-cond, kemas baju2 yg dah sedia terlipat, kemas meja diaorg.."semua dah ikut jadual belum?"..."dah MaMa"..."ok, cepat tido"...
After that...MaMa iron baju sambil layan TV...as well layan kerenah Alya sambil marah2 manja suruh Alya duk diam2....but as usual lagi kita suruh dok diam...lagi lasak lah dia. Habis iron baju, turun bawah sambil dukung Alya...bancuh susu utk tido...naik balik ke atas...jengok bebdk yg lain...dah tido rupanya...tutup lampu n bukak lampu tido...then kemas baju mama sambil kasi Alya minum susu....
Baring sebelah Alya sambil tepuk2 dia suruh tido (jgn harap Alya nk tido awal, paling awal 12.00a.m)...Alya masih berminat nk main seperti biasa...gomoi2 ngn dia...then amik iPhone and main game ngan Alya...sedar2 Alya terlena...tgk jam...alamak...dh dekat pukul 1pagi...solat isyak belum...cepattttttt....
Dan akhirnyaaaaaa, barulah dapat lelap, setelah masuk hari baru...huhuu....tenenenet...tenenenet...tenenenet...arghhhhhh berbunyi sudah alarm...bermula lagi routine yang hectic ini....
P/S: Love, bila agaknya Love nk dok skali ngn Anjee...sbb Anjee x larat nk lalui hectic life ni sendirian...kalau Love ada, sekurang2nya...kurang sikit jadual ketat Anjee...huhuhu...Ya Allah berilah aku kekuatan dan kesabaran yang tinggi dan semoga Engkau satukan kami secepat mungkin dgn keberkatan Mu dan limpahilah kami dengan rezeki yg halal...amin...amin....ya rabbal a'lamin.....
Thursday, February 02, 2012
:::the transformation:::
our kids grows very fast until we realize that sometimes we miss some of the moment when they grow from one stage to another...sometimes we might think of turning back the time to the time when they are babies...coz' that is the most wonderful time to see them grow-up
sedar tak sedar...dah ada 4 org anak...and this year would be 13th years our marriage "terbina dengan utuhnya"
last month kena g snap their photo for as requested by school...and here's their transformation from babies to current faces...hehehe
Nur Irdina Lidyya
...sama tapi tak serupa...
sedar tak sedar...dah ada 4 org anak...and this year would be 13th years our marriage "terbina dengan utuhnya"
last month kena g snap their photo for as requested by school...and here's their transformation from babies to current faces...hehehe
Nur Irdina Lidyya
...sama tapi tak serupa...
Muhammad Hariz Darwisy

...maintain chubby; my sweetie pie...
Alya lum ada big transformation....may be next round...whatever it is, i love my kiddos so so so much....muahhhssssss
Alya lum ada big transformation....may be next round...whatever it is, i love my kiddos so so so much....muahhhssssss
Hepy Beday to Hadith Ikleel Hakeemi
Mama wish a very happy beday to Keemi...semoga keemi menjadi anak yg soleh dan berjaya serta membuat mummy & daddy also mama & papa proud of you...love you keemi
hopes you like my small presento with love ;)
hopes you like my small presento with love ;)
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