on Saturday i've booked Impiana Hotel & Spa, nearby KLCC(complimentary night). After sending my Mak Su kat KLIA kami headed to Hotel. Quite a nice hotel (4 star). Friendly environment...and the room was very nice...sayangnyer Dina tak der. Coz' she alwayz the most excited person when get to Hotel...tapi bila kakak dah balik sini, MAMA mesti bawak kakak gi Hotel, ok (insyaAllah).
As usual bila sampai jer Darwisy dah tak sabar nk g swimming pool...tapi perut PAPA dah keroncong dah...so after kasi Wafa makan bubuq teruih kami jalan ke KLCC via Aquaria...ramai betui org line-up to get there...lepaih makan kami jejln dlm KLCC. Mak aiii jauh betul nak sampai dlm complex nyer...using the underground.
Tak de apa pun nak di beli cuma jamu mata...tup tup Darwisy bising nak beli BAt Man the favorite HERO dia...masuk ISETAN bought for him the Bat Man..and his Car...
time nak balik tur cayang i ni ternampak kedai Levi's lak....teringat plak masa betting football game dulu i ada hutang spend for him 1 jean...so bought 1 for him...huhhu terbang lagi wa punya money...tak pe duit bley carik...kih kih,,but he also loose to me 1 game in which he need to buy for me a handbag...Guess ler...keh keh keh.
Then balik Hotel change dress teruih p swimming pool...syok la Darwisy sampai tak mau naik dah...even menggigil giler..Wafa pun tak kurang gak. Marah bile org naik kan dia kat atas...
The next day after dah check out, kami jejalan kat Berjaya Time Square sbb tak pernah pi sana...org tak berapa ramai pun..may be the shopping compleks is too big...sbb nak bawak darwisy main kat Theme Park dia...but he refuse coz kakak tak der...lor rugi bebenor...but ada 1 kedai toy tu lak jual BatMan...apa lagi, dia pun pow MAMA mintak belikan BatMan...darwisy n Batman tak dpt dipisahkan...hehehe.
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