alahai rinduNyer kat liza, ija n Nora...lama dh x gathering together and chit chat sama2...alangkah gumbiranyer kalu masa dpt menyatukan kami...dpt lar kami mengimbau saat2 bersama kembali (1994-1998)...kamilah roomate sejati, tak pernah berpisah...and we all become one happy family; Liza = Mak, Ija = Along, Nora = Angah and me = acik....syiok sgt....
so after completing our study, the next day after the last paper, kami sempat berseronok @ PD Beach...i drove them all over there and that is the most memorable day...coz' x ingat apa dh...heppy sgt dh complete 4 year study. And the next day kami p jln2 kat sunway piramid and jumpa that lovely shop "ForeVer Friends"...cepat2 kami memorize that moment by captured our lovely pic in front of the shop...oh so sweet...bila lagi la nk hepy2 ngan geng2 aku tur....
P/S: If you all ada read by blog, arrange lar for the gathering! hehehe...