today...depa p ke KL...with Bapak n Mak for a Holiday...during school holiday...huhuhuhu(drive safely) sad, been left here alone. must be a boring week for me ha...Mama must be missing u all...and Wafa is not so well last night...but given medication since last night...hopefully my little Wafa healthy always..also pray to them all...sihat sejahtera and selamat dalam perlindungan ALLAH s.w.t
but this week...i'm busy with discussion with other department in order to help me in reviewing process flows of overall department...
Monday i went to Farm @ Jitra with Amee and it takes us the whole day to cover all production production, pharma and cosmetic...fuh, what a tiring day, walking too much all around the farm and factory.
Tuesday & Wednesday...quite a challenging day for me coz' i need to review Indonesian SOP in which their use Indonesian language to prepare the SOP...waduh2 bisa pusing kepala gue pikirin..enggak bisa ngerti...but the dictionary helps me a lot...hehehe!
Thursday...i visit distribution department and observe their processes, also discuss on routine process handled by them...
and today, i am suppose to meet up with International Business Dept...but must be postpones coz they didn't contact and confirm with me at all...till next week then...the IBD is very important dept that i need to discuss as they are the middle man between HQ and Overseas in handling their business i need to discuss with them regards their job function...